Moving into a new season: equinox is almost here
I’m ready for Hibernation Mode, but let’s enjoy fall first.
If you’ve missed my earlier seasonal tradition posts, I turn off my phone and avoid screens on the equinoxes and solstices. One thing I’m doing differently this fall equinox: I’m taking the entire week off (not from screens though). Throughout the week I’ll have my traditional phone-free day and I’m also intending to go fishing, horse riding, hiking, and explore some small towns. You can follow along on Instagram @taralynne0 where I’m in my second year of a September tradition posting a photo each day.
Aside from my intentions for the week, here’s what I’m intending for fall:
Cooking for Future Me. Six months from now will be swarm season, seedling growing and transplanting, and I’ll likely have some extra livestock. I’d like to cook at least a handful of meals this fall to put in the back of the freezer for me to lean on next spring. This means I’ll need to adjust my meal planning to double portions and freeze the balance.
Outdoor morning time. I’ve slowly started a routine where I’m out on the porch first thing in the morning, even if just for a handful of minutes. Starting the day without phone time has been more calming than expected. Once temperatues drop and summer pests fall back, I’m hoping to turn this into a morning stroll in the woods. Raising our pigs at this time last year really got me in the groove of being outside every morning and I’d like to keep that going.
Return to the gym. Over the past few years I realized that I don’t go to the gym in the spring and summer. The longer days get me outside walking the dog early, squeezing in hive inspections before it’s too hot, and generally avoiding time inside. This year was the first year I froze my gym membership. This not only saved $270, but I invested that money instead. With gym time starting soon, that gym fee will be invested in my health once again rather than the stock market. Gym visits also mean access to saunas, which is one of my favorite things to do in the cooler months. (I also truly feel it helps keep me prepared for the heat of summer beekeeping.)
I hope you’re pausing to reflect on the changing seasons and thinking about Future You. Enjoy it. I’ll be back in October.